
‘Charlie Brown’ Starts Trending on Twitter After ‘Racist’ Tweet from Official Account

Peanuts comic strip/cartoon character Snoopy was trending on Twitter after a tweet from the official Peanuts Twitter account. The account shared a picture of Charlie Brown alongside Franklin, the first and only Black character in the Peanuts series. In the picture, Charlie Brown says to Franklin, “You’re one of the good ones.”

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This tweet sparked instant outrage on social media compelling the Peanuts account to clarify the post and issue an apology. The statement read:

“Earlier today a tweet from this account, featuring an image of two friends, was misinterpreted. As this was not the intended message of the post, it has been deleted so as not to perpetuate an inaccurate interpretation. The post was meant as a celebration of friendship.”

The phrase “You’re one of the good ones” has often been used either consciously or unconsciously by racists in America while addressing racial minorities they find agreeable. Catch the tweets below.

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